May Market Update

Earthmarkets Produce Report May 2014

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Recent rains and a cold weather snap have affected the value of some fresh produce in the past week as farmers try to access their soggy paddocks to harvest.

There are  plenty of reasonably priced vegetables on offer including fennel, egg plant, celery, carrots, cabbage, brussel sprouts and asparagus.

When cooking asparagus, cut away or break off any tough ends. Rinse them thoroughly. If scales are gritty, scrape them off. The spears may be cooked whole or cut into shorter lengths.

Potatoes, pumpkin, onions and shallots are well priced.

Cos and iceberg lettuce are of varying quality and price this week, however salad leaf mix  has remained consistent.Tomatoes and Avocados are reasonably priced.

The best fruit bargains include imperial mandarins, pawpaw, pears, seedless watermelon and kiwifruit.Grapes are nearing the end of their season and we are very particular when choosing our stock for our customers ensuring the best quality available is on offer

This is the last week to see Australian plums on the shelves however we have USA imported stonefruit for those who love to crunch on peaches and nectarines all year.

Apples are competitively well priced  at Earthmarkets

In the berry category, raspberry and blueberry punnets are of great quality

Lemons, limes and passionfruit are well priced, grapefruit is reasonably priced.

Rockmellon quality is also great. Choose rockmelons with a pleasant sweet aroma and when they are tapped, sound hollow.

We also offer groceries such as milk, 
bread, eggs, yogurt, nuts,
juices and more..